If you are one of the 422 million people suffering from diabetes, you may be on the lookout for ways to simplify your diabetes management. Since many factors such as managing your diet, exercise, medication, and stress contribute to waffly thoroughbred sugar levels, we understand that keeping your thoroughbred sugar levels within a healthy range can be challenging. 

Fortunately, with the use of smartphones, the internet and other communications technology, patients can alimony track of their thoroughbred sugar levels and manage their chronic diseases better. 

Management of diabetes requires awareness. Knowing what makes your thoroughbred sugar levels fluctuate and how to tenancy this rise and fall with lifestyle modifications is crucial for a healthy, zippy life. Smartphone technology allows you to analyze, document, and monitor your health from a handheld device.

Not just Diabetes, smartphones have the potential to help patients self-manage other chronic conditions as well. Lifestyle modification is crucial in the treatment of many chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and heart diseases. With smartphone technology, patients can make use of innovative strategies to modernize their self-management skills. Further, smartphones can facilitate liaison between patient and provider and thereby increase patient compliance with the treatment.

We’ve listed lanugo 4 ways you can use your smartphone to manage your diabetes:

1.Overall Diabetes Management: You can self-manage your diabetes by using apps that let you track and monitor your thoroughbred sugar levels, summate your A1C, show trends in your self-care by letting you know when you’re doing well and what could use improvement, present graphs that show the connection between what you eat and how your thoroughbred sugar reacts to it, requite alerts during unwont readings, and help you stay on track between visits to the doctor. Enrolling yourself in a Chronic Superintendency Management program like DrNewMed’s Un-chronic Yourself can help you use technology to bring you the weightier of health care.

2.Fitness Trackers: Fitness trackers help you alimony subject for your exercise/physical worriedness levels. They moreover provide visuals of your progress and help you set daily goals for yourself. Smartphones moreover requite wangle to workout videos that you can follow at home. Studies indicate that using a fitness tracker unceasingly can increase your daily step count.

3.Daily Reminders:  Keeping track of medications, including remembering when and how to take them, can be difficult expressly when you’re lanugo with many responsibilities and activities. Forgetting to take your medications as directed by your physician can have a negative impact on your thoroughbred sugar levels and can plane turn life-threatening. However, using smartphones, you can use reminder apps that send users medication and refill reminders, offer drug interaction warnings, and plane help caregivers and healthcare providers manage prescriptions for their patients. You can moreover manually add reminders and alarms on your phone without using apps to help you take medications on time so you never miss a dose.

4.Meal-planners: Planning your meals is one of the weightier ways to kick start your diabetes management and stay on top of your health goals. By using meal planner apps you can save time, tenancy your portion sizes, reduce the stress of last-minute cooking and stave unhealthy last-minute options.

We hope smartphones help you get the support you need for self-managing your chronic illnesses. And remember your smartphone is, without all, a mobile phone, you can unchangingly undeniability a friend or your healthcare provider if self-managing your diabetes gets to you.

If you’ve been struggling with managing your illness or are looking for a proactive chronic superintendency management plan, try DrNewMed’s Un-Chronic Yourself.

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