The pursuit is a guest unsalaried post by Fernando Saiz, CMO at Tappx.
The rewarded video ad format is unprofane by the mobile gaming and razzmatazz worlds. We now finally have an ad format that satisfies the needs of advertisers, publishers and gaming audiences. Rewarded video ads provide gamers with a reward for watching the unshortened length of a video ad. In the mobile gaming world, this format works extremely well in mobile games. For developers, rewarded video ads offer the potential to increase in-app purchases and lengthen play session times, therefore increasing loyalty and retention. Also, they provide advertisers with advantages that stimulates higher ROI and engagement levels. Finally, many users express greater amenability for watching rewarded video ads over any other ad format.
Can rewarded video ads help momentum in-game purchases?
Imagine if you’re playing a game, and you’ve just finished an end-of-level superabound with a life remaining. Pursuit this level, you watch a rewarded video ad and you’re then given an uneaten life. This method of non-disruptive razzmatazz gives players the endangerment to proffer play time, without hassle or interruption to game play. Extending the value of time spent in a game is perhaps the single most important way players wilt increasingly invested in games, thus towers loyalty. This then translates to increased gaming session times and retention. As players invest increasingly time and energy into their games, this leads to greater levels of excitement, therefore increasing the probability that they will self-mastery in-game purchases. Also, developers can receive a higher CPM for rewarded video ads than static ads. In wing to earning more, developers goody from displaying ad formats that positively contribute to the overall user satisfaction within a game.
Facebook vicarious mobile games research has reported that mobile gamers are a staggering 18% increasingly likely to self-mastery an in-app purchase when served a rewarded video ad, versus non-choice based advertising. See the May 2017 report here.
The key point is to build the right rewards, and to then decide when are the optimum moments to serve rewarded video ads, and wastefulness the timing for wordage of ads during gaming sessions. The main objective is to provide gamers with a taste of all the benefits of a game, whilst earning a remnant revenue. Don’t let these ads eat into your main source of revenue, so be considerate well-nigh your content and it’s wordage times.
Constantly review your metrics and decide whether or not to deploy rewarded video ads. What’s the conversion rate from player to paid player? What’s your ARPDAU? Or what are the valuable items that remain unsold and should be promoted? Rewarded video ads can serve as a research A/B machine for testing new features and getting visa from your current ones.
How do Rewarded Ads goody the Advertiser?
The key thing for advertisers to note is that users segregate to engage with rewarded video ads. Therefore, the user is engaged with the video and is incentivised to well-constructed watching the video ads. What’s more, the video is guaranteed upper viewability. The developers moreover have the incentive to place as many rewarded video ads as is practical, such as between game levels or during loading screens. This provides the potential for repeat ads within the game, thus promoting trademark recall. Some of the key benefits which rewarded video ads offer advertisers include upper viewability, engagement, and completion rates, as well as increased trademark recall.
Why are users excited well-nigh rewarded video ads?
In one survey done, scrutinizingly 80% of gamers expressed interest for watching rewarded video ads in mart for in-app benefits. For mobile gamers, these benefits could be in the form of in-app virtual money, extended gameplay life or other in-game assets. All of these examples enhance the quality of the user gaming experiences, which makes gamers increasingly happy. In the weightier specimen scenarios, rewarded video ads can unhook rewards that proffer the user’s play-time, which benefits both the gamer and the developer.
Secondly, rewarded video ads work weightier when they requite the user the option to engage with them. This way, the user feels that they themselves have made the visualization to mart their time for watching an ad for a reward. Game apps which provide the option to pay or watch ads receive a 10-15% uplift in user reviews.
The proportion of mobile users that does self-mastery in-app purchases is relatively quite small, so it’s prudent to deploy rewarded video ads to convince users well-nigh the benefits and value of spare (paid) game features. A comprehensive survey conducted by Facebook reported that 71% of mobile gamers prefer to ‘pay’ for in-game content by watching video ads. The same survey reported that scrutinizingly half of US gamers prefer rewarded video ad over any other ad format. This all unmistakably shows that rewarded video ads are hugely popular and effective, as they expose players to paid in-app features, they squire in increasing retention, LTV and increasingly importantly, revenues.
The post How Rewarded Video Ads Can Momentum In-Game Purchases appeared first on Mobile Marketing Watch.